You can use %s to talk in real-time with several people.
Start an instant message to someone by double-clicking on their name in the Contacts area. When the instant message window opens, click Invite and select the names of the other people you wish to join the conversation.
You can unsubscribe to any newsgroup by right-clicking on the newsgroup in your Folders list and selecting Unsubscribe . ...
You can update a copy of this media as a part of synchronizing a media copy set. To update a copy, right-click Media on the ...
You can update copies of these media as a part of synchronizing a media copy set. To update media copies, right-click Media ...
You can use %s from within Outlook Express. %s is an instant messaging program that tells you when certain friends are online ...
You can use %s to talk in real-time with several people. Start an instant message to someone by double-clicking on their ...
You can use a cache/proxy plug-in to provide cache and proxy support to other servers. This provides a simple, low cost method ...
You can use Device Manager to view a list of hardware devices installed on your computer and set properties for each device. ...
You can use dynamic disks to create software-based RAID volumes that can be mirrored, or they can be striped or spanned across ...
You can use dynamic disks to create software-based volumes that can be mirrored, or they can be striped or spanned across ...