These are the old deprecated commands, that are being phased out, but
are still presently supported for backwards compatibility.
Usage: repadmin [/u:{domain\user}] [/pw:{password|*}]
[/rpc] [/ldap]
Deprecated s args:
These deprecated commands are replaced with these improved commands:
/sync -> /repl or /replicate
/propcheck -> /checkprop
/getchanges -> /showchanges
/showreps -> /showrepl
/showvector -> /showutdvec
/showmeta -> /showobjmeta
Note:- , , : Names of the appropriate servers
is the Distinguished Name of the root of the NC
Example: DC=My-Domain,DC=Microsoft,DC=Com
Note: Text (Naming Context names, server names, etc) with International or
Unicode characters will only display correctly if appropriate fonts and
language support are loaded