The Public Key Policies extension allows you to specify root certificates and set up certificate trust lists, automatic certificate requests and recovery agents.
The ProviderOperation_ValidateSubscription property indicates the number of calls to IWbemEventConsumerProviderEx :: ValidateSubscription. ...
The ProxyList parameter cannot be empty when the ProxyUsage parameter is set to override. Verify that the ProxyList parameter ...
The PseudoStreamOriented property indicates whether the protocol is a message-oriented protocol that can receive variable-length ...
The PSParameterCollection parameter can only be used with AsJob, JobName and InputObject. Move the additional parameters ...
The Public Key Policies extension allows you to specify root certificates and set up certificate trust lists, automatic certificate ...
The PublishComponents action manages the advertisement of the components that may be faulted in by other products with the ...
The publisher has been disabled and its resource is not available. This usually occurs when the publisher is in the process ...
The publishing point cannot be started because the server does not have the appropriate stream formats. Use the Multicast ...
The PUK isn't correct. Be careful because you won't be able to use the SIM if the incorrect PUK is entered one more time. ...