You must fix any errors in the branch site table before you can continue. Ensure that each branch site has a valid name that is unique for the entire topology and between 1 and 9999 users.
You have successfully signed out. To protect your account, close all browser windows or click the following link to sign ...
You indicated earlier that you want a virtualized deployment for this site. Based on your previous choices, you will need ...
You may be currently running the browser in immersive mode. Please switch to desktop mode. You can still join the meeting ...
You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To remove this application, you can log on as an Administrator, ...
You must fix any errors in the branch site table before you can continue. Ensure that each branch site has a valid name that ...
You must have at least one branch site if you have at least one user. Enter a number greater than zero for the number of ...
You must install Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) - IIS Server Extension before attempting to install this ...
You must install Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ) and Message Queuing Directory Service Integration before attempting ...
You must install the Media Foundation feature or Desktop Experience feature of Windows before attempting to install this ...