Your ServiceNow instance name appears to be invalid. Please provide a current ServiceNow administrative user name and password along with the name of a valid ServiceNow instance.
Your service has been upgraded. Please update the security configuration on the device. More information about rolling encryption ...
Your ServiceNow credentials are invalid. Please obtain a current ServiceNow administrative user name and password and enter ...
Your ServiceNow credentials are invalid. Please provide a current ServiceNow administrative user name and password along ...
Your ServiceNow instance name appears to be invalid. Please obtain a current ServiceNow administrative user name and password ...
Your ServiceNow instance name appears to be invalid. Please provide a current ServiceNow administrative user name and password ...
Your session has been inactive for {0} minutes. Click OK to resume your session. Otherwise, your session will end in {1} ...
Your SQL database is hosted on Windows Azure. It is where your mobile service stores your data. To change the SQL database ...
Your storage quota is approaching its limit. {learnMorePricingId}|Learn more about quotas and pricing|{learnMorePricingUrl}|_blank]. ...
Your subscription filter was reset to show data from all subscriptions because there were no results for the filter conditions. ...