Consult your Lync Server documentation to learn how to move or disable objects still homed on the pool. To find those objects, execute the following cmdLets: Get-CsUser, Get-CsExUmContact, Get-CsCommonAreaPhone, Get-CsAnalogDevice, Get-CsRgsWorkflow, Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber, Get-CsAudioTestServiceApplicationContact, Get-CsTrustedAppEndpoint.
Configured application uri for script-only application did not match application uri in path. Path: %1 Cause: Powershell ...
Connection attempt to at least one service in a pool failed. Connection attempts to the following services have failed. Another ...
Connection to back-end database succeeded, but failed to execute registration stored procedure on the back-end. This error ...
Consult administration documentation to learn how Topology Builder is used to prepare a Lync Server deployment for final ...
Consult your Lync Server documentation to learn how to move or disable objects still homed on the pool. To find those objects, ...
Consult your Lync Server documentation to learn how to move or disable objects still homed on the pool. To find those objects, ...
Consult your Lync Server documentation to learn how to remove analog device still using the gateway. To find those objects, ...
Contact Object is not homed properly. Contact Object %1 is not homed properly. Error: 2. Cause: This could happen if the ...
could be configured as a Director. You cannot home conference directories or users on a Director because it is not supported. ...