Claims assigned to a new logon. New Logon: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Logon GUID: %5 Logon Type: %6 Event in sequence: %7 of %8 User Claims: %9 Device Claims: %10 This event is generated when a new logon session is created and the user token associated with it contains user and/or device claims. The New Logon fields indicate the account that was logged on. If all the user and device claims in the user token cannot be accommodated in a single event, multiple such events are generated. The Event in sequence field indicates how many more events are generated for this logon session. Each user or device claim is represented in the following format: ClaimID ClaimTypeID : Value1, Value2 … The common claim types are: 0 (Invalid Type), 1 (64-bit Integer, 2 (Unsigned 64-bit Integer), 3 (String), 4 (FQBN), 5 (SID), 6 (Boolean) and 16 (Blob). If the claim value exceeds the max allowed length then the string is terminated by ...
CIM_VideoBIOSFeature represents the capabilities of the low-level software that is used to bring up, configure and use a ...
CIM_VideoControllerResolution describes the various video modes that a video controller can support. Video modes are defined ...
CIM_VolumeSet represents a contiguous range of logical blocks presented to the operating environment for reading and writing ...
Cisco/Aironet WinDGS or ACU program versions earlier than 4.14.002 have a known compatibility issue with this version of ...
Claims assigned to a new logon. New Logon: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Logon GUID: %5 ...
Clarify 9.0 requires the latest Visual Basic 5.0 run-time files (Msvbvm50.exe) in order to run properly. For more information, ...
Class %1 in file %2 does not derive from a Windows base class. All composable classes must ultimately derive from a type ...
Class %1 in file %2 implements interface %3, which has an ExclusiveToAttribute that references class %4. Windows Runtime ...
Class Name = %1 Method Name = %2 Workflow GUID = %3 Message = %4 %5 Activity Name = %6 Activity GUID = %7 Parameters = %8 ...