This computer has %2 processor. You do only have permission to run VIP Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV on a computer with %1 processor.
This combination is not valid. You cannot export Debit and Credit amounts for Budgeted amounts.\Please enter Amount in the ...
This company is part of a fiscal group. A single VAT declaration for multiple companies should be submitted manually via ...
This company is referenced by an existing report definition or reporting tree definition. Remove these associations before ...
This component must be installed on the computer that will be used as the head-office communications server. Use Setup to ...
This computer has %2 processor. You do only have permission to run VIP Application Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV on a ...
This condition was referencing the field {0}. This field has been removed from the system or is not valid for advanced find. ...
This configuration has journal names associated with it. If you delete the configuration, you will remove the association. ...
This configuration is only applicable for return transactions that do not have a receipt. Set to No if the coupon codes should ...
This connection already exists. To create a new connection, select a different connecting object or change the role for the ...