The Hardware property indicates whether the interrupt is hardware or software based. A hardware IRQ is a physical wire from the peripheral to the programmable interrupt controller (PIC) chip through which the CPU can be notified of time critical events. Some IRQ lines are reserved for standard devices such as the keyboard, floppy disk drives, and the system clock. A software interrupt allows applications to get the attention of the processor. Values: TRUE or FALSE. A value of TRUE indicates the interrupt is hardware based.
The handwriting recognition personalization update process is not available for language %1. %r%rThe only possible consequence ...
The Handwriting recognition personalization update process terminated unexpectedly. This could be caused by insufficient ...
The hard disk being used for temporary storage of content has reached the minimum allowed disk space. Create more space on ...
The hardware key driver for the HASP device is not compatible with this version of Windows. To download an updated driver ...
The Hardware property indicates whether the interrupt is hardware or software based. A hardware IRQ is a physical wire from ...
The HardwareType property indicates the type of hardware type used for the Win32 pointing device. Example: MICROSOFT PS2 ...
The hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file. The file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering. ...
The hashtable describing a module contains one or more members that are not valid. The valid members are ({0}). Remove the ...
The hashtable supplied to the Desired State Configuration resource {0} is not valid. The key or value cannot be null or empty. ...