The number of days that are added to the delivery date when the local delivery date is calculated for a new purchase order.
The number of days prior to the direct debit that the customer must allow for the settlement of a first-time payment of a ...
The number of days prior to the direct debit that the customer must allow for the settlement of a recurring payment of a ...
The number of days that a sales order is put on hold if a check payment for the order exceeds the value in the Threshold ...
The number of days that a sales order will be placed on hold if there is a check on the order which exceeds the check hold ...
The number of days that are added to the delivery date when the local delivery date is calculated for a new purchase order. ...
The number of days that the current transaction accrued interest. The number of days is determined by the dates in the Start ...
The number of days that were added to the manufacturing date of the inventory batch to calculate the batch's expiration date. ...
The number of days' worth of working capital (such as current assets minus current liabilities) the organization has on hand. ...
The number of days, going backward from the from date, that the report will use to identify if a shipment or receipt that ...