The feature could not be activated. This feature depends on a service application being created first for the Work Management Service.
The Entity specified for the custom field is invalid.} Specify a valid Entity UID corresponding to Project, Resource, or ...
The exception conflicts with #^1 \"^2\".}They both use the same type of exception, ^3, and their interval overlaps. Either ...
The external task ID number is not valid. The ID number entered for the task in the external project either does not exist ...
The external task ID number is not valid.}The ID number entered for the task in the external project either does not exist ...
The feature could not be activated. This feature depends on a service application being created first for the Work Management ...
The field cannot be added to the enterprise because of one of the following reasons: \- The formula contains a syntax error. ...
The field cannot be copied because the formula contains a syntax error or a reference to an unrecognized field or function ...
The field has a value list that restricts the field to only those items in the list. Values that are not in the list cannot ...
The field has been set to roll down from the ^1field. Change the option for the ^1field to None if you want this field to ...