Note: When selecting the local account option, the agent installation task will be run as the local account, while the Discovery task will be run using the Management Server Action Account.
Note: The System Center "Service Desk" Setup Wizard will automatically install Service Desk reporting on an existing Microsoft ...
Note: There are additional settings that can be used to suppress alerts. Click the "Advanced" button to configure more suppression ...
Note: These changes will not take effect until you run repair on the agents. Follow the steps listed in the Operations Manager ...
Note: This setting applies only when scanning Active Directory. You can configure how these objects will be discovered, on ...
Note: When selecting the local account option, the agent installation task will be run as the local account, while the Discovery ...
Note: When selecting the local account option, the agent installation task will be run as the local account, while the Discovery ...
Note: Your changes will not take effect until you restart IIS. You can do it on completetion of the template process or restart ...
Note: Your changes will not take effect until you restart IIS. You can do it on completion of the template process or restart ...
Notification - Configure SMTP, IM, SMS and command notification channels - Define the notification format that best suits ...