Windows cannot perform the %1 operation because it could not find %2 in the repository. Make sure %2 has been staged or was installed by another user.
Windows cannot open the folder. The path to the Compressed (zipped) Folder '%1' contains characters that prevent its extraction: ...
Windows cannot open this progam because it has been prevented by a software restriction policy. For more information please ...
Windows cannot open this program because it has been prevented by a software restriction policy. For more information please ...
Windows cannot perform an online scan on the volume because it is in the "Full Chkdsk Needed" state. Please run "chkdsk /f" ...
Windows cannot perform the %1 operation because it could not find %2 in the repository. Make sure %2 has been staged or was ...
Windows cannot perform the requested action because there is not enough storage space on your computer. Delete some unneeded ...
Windows cannot properly create this user object. The most likely cause is that the current domain or group policy requires ...
Windows cannot read the list of sites because: %s You may still create a subnet, but be sure to associate this subnet with ...
Windows cannot register %1 because this bundle was passed in as dependency package. Bundles must be specified in the main ...