Kerberos pre-authentication failed. Account Information: Security ID: %2 Account Name: %1 Service Information: Service Name: %3 Network Information: Client Address: %7 Client Port: %8 Additional Information: Ticket Options: %4 Failure Code: %5 Pre-Authentication Type: %6 Certificate Information: Certificate Issuer Name: %9 Certificate Serial Number: %10 Certificate Thumbprint: %11 Certificate information is only provided if a certificate was used for pre-authentication. Pre-authentication types, ticket options and failure codes are defined in RFC 4120. If the ticket was malformed or damaged during transit and could not be decrypted, then many fields in this event might not be present.
Kerberos Error. The machine account is not present, or does not match on the. destination, source or KDC servers. Verify ...
Kerberos is valid only when this rule is enabled on a computer which is a member of a domain. This computer is not a member ...
Kerberos Policy Changed: Changed By: User Name: %1 Domain Name: %2 Logon ID: %3 Changes made: ('-' means no changes, otherwise ...
Kerberos policy was changed. Subject: Security ID: %1 Account Name: %2 Account Domain: %3 Logon ID: %4 Changes Made: ('-' ...
Kerberos pre-authentication failed. Account Information: Security ID: %2 Account Name: %1 Service Information: Service Name: ...
Key did not install, because a network error occurred. The key could not be activated. Verify network connectivity and try ...
Key did not install, because a proxy error occurred. The key could not be activated. Verify that the proxy services are running ...
Key did not install, because the key entered has exceeded the maximum number of activations. Use a different key. Error: ...
Key did not install, because the key entered is not a key authorized for installation on this edition. Use a different key. ...