You cannot delete the workflow %1 because it is used by budget planning workflows. Update the budget planning workflows before deleting the workflow
You cannot delete the line because it is marked as the invoice distribution account. Select the invoice distribution check ...
You cannot delete the record because the value is specified in the open slip journal %1. Modify the entries in the journal ...
You cannot delete the record because there are existing transactions for this depreciation profile in the selected period. ...
You cannot delete the selected revocation reason because one or more assigned signing limits have been revoked based on this ...
You cannot delete the workflow %1 because it is used by budget planning workflows. Update the budget planning workflows before ...
You cannot delete this account because it is a member of a budget group hierarchy. To delete this account, open the budget ...
You cannot delete this benefit plan because it is associated with one or more benefit options. Remove the options from the ...
You cannot delete this benefit type because it is associated with one or more benefit plans. Delete the plans from the type, ...
You cannot delete this billing code version because it is associated with the %1 billing classification. Remove the billing ...