Replication initialization failed to fully initialize the following tables for site {0}: {2}. Replication link analyzer is unable to remediate this issue. Save the analysis and remediation logs and rcmctrl.log on site {0} and site {1} for further diagnosis.
Removing the Asset Intelligence synchronization point will prevent further communication with System Center On-line. This ...
Removing the Distribution Point role from this site system will cause existing advertisements to fail when run by clients. ...
Replication initialization cannot send replication content from site {0} to site {1} as the file replication route is closed ...
Replication initialization failed to fully initialize the following replication groups for site {0}: {2}. Replication link ...
Replication initialization failed to fully initialize the following tables for site {0}: {2}. Replication link analyzer is ...
Replication initialization is aborted on site {1} for the replication groups: {2}. Replication link analyzer recommends reinitializing ...
Replication initialization is in progress for another link on site {0}. The replication link analyzer recommends running ...
Replication initialization is in progress for site {0} from site {1} for the replication groups: {1}. This action may take ...
Replication initialization is in progress for site {0} from site {1} for the replication groups: {2}. This action may take ...