ID3207: An error occurred while reading the metadata document. Attribute '{0}' of element '{1}' has a value '{2}' that is not supported.
ID3192: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse does not contain a RequestedProofToken ...
ID3193: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse indicates that the proof ...
ID3194: The WSTrustChannel cannot compute a proof key. The received RequestedSecurityTokenResponse indicates that the proof ...
ID3196: The ChannelFactory provided is not configured to use an FederatedClientCredentials. Ensure that you call the ConfigureChannelFactory ...
ID3207: An error occurred while reading the metadata document. Attribute '{0}' of element '{1}' has a value '{2}' that is ...
ID3215: The encoding type '{0}' specified in element '{1}' with namespace '{2}' is not supported. The supported encoding ...
ID3218: WS-Trust message has an empty 'ProofEncryption'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference ...
ID3219: WS-Trust message has an empty 'DelegateTo'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as its ...
ID3220: WS-Trust message has an empty 'CancelTarget'. The element must have a SecurityToken or SecurityTokenReference as ...