Limits the number of times OneNote polls a SharePoint site for changes to a section. Enter the sync interval in seconds.
Like your junk drawer at home, we all have items that defy classification but that we still want to keep around for later. ...
Limits the number of actions (1-99) that a user can undo. If you enable this setting, you can set a limit on the number of ...
Limits the number of integer solutions found by the Branch & Bound algorithm, or the Evolutionary engine, before Solver pauses ...
Limits the number of subproblems explored by the Branch & Bound algorithm, or the Evolutionary engine, before Solver pauses ...
Limits the number of times OneNote polls a SharePoint site for changes to a section. Enter the sync interval in seconds. ...
Limits the time taken by the solution process by limiting the number of interim calculations. While you can enter a value ...
Limits the time taken by the solution process. While you can enter a value as high as 32,767, the default value of 100 (seconds) ...
Line Display trend over time (dates, years) or ordered categories. Useful when there are many data points and the order is ...
Line with Markers Display trend over time (dates, years) or ordered categories. Useful when there are only a few data points. ...