XC1012: The XAML MSBuild task only processes files that contain an '{0}' directive. Please refer to documentation for usage of ‘{0}'.
X509CertificateValidationMode.Custom requires a CustomCertificateValidator. Specify the CustomCertificateValidator property. ...
XamlTypeInvoker.GetItems returned null for type '{0}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented collection type. ...
XC1002: If you are using PartialClassGenerationTask or CompilationPass2Task, please ensure that the BuildTaskPath property ...
XC1008: Incorrect Xaml Encountered. Cannot apply directive '{0}' inside type '{1}' because it is not a collection or dictionary. ...
XC1012: The XAML MSBuild task only processes files that contain an '{0}' directive. Please refer to documentation for usage ...
XC1013: Unable to resolve the type '{0}' referenced by field '{1}'. Ensure that the type name is correct or that the Assembly ...
XC1015: Unable to resolve the type '{0}' referenced by Property '{1}'. Ensure that the type name is correct or that the Assembly ...
XC1016: Unable to resolve the type '{0}' or one of its arguments. Ensure that the type name is correct or that the Assembly ...
XML '{2}' '{3}:{4}' does not contain expected attribute '{0}:{1}'. The deserializer has no knowledge of which type to deserialize. ...