CAUTION: You cannot stop or reverse the migration. So be very sure that you have exported all of the data that you want and that you have chosen the correct network to migrate before you choose Migrate. If you are unsure, choose Cancel and go back to export your data or check the network name.
Can't sign in because your password is temporary or expired. I wish I could reset your password for you, but it's something ...
Cannot find the server acting as the Schema Master in Active Directory. Check that Active Directory server '{0}' is reachable ...
Cannot register or retrieve the application from Azure Active Directory with the account you used to sign in. Please use ...
CAUTION: Network migration can't be reversed. You will not be able to access your subsidiary network and its content after ...
CAUTION: You cannot stop or reverse the migration. So be very sure that you have exported all of the data that you want and ...
Centralize teams and projects Simplify collaboration by providing teams and projects flexible, open workspaces that allow ...
Centralized mail transport is an advanced feature that most organizations will not require. Enabling this feature configures ...
Changes to DNS can take time to complete. If you have correctly set your name server records to the values shown below you ...
Changing your computer setting so that items sent from a shared mailbox are saved to the Sent items folder of the shared ...