The transaction date that you entered is not valid. Enter a date from a different fiscal period. Or, for the ledger, verify that the fiscal period is open and that you have user rights to create orders in the fiscal period.
The transaction currency amount of the order line that was received, through product receipt, in transaction currency, and ...
The transaction currency if it is different from the bank account currency, for example, a payment to a EURO invoice from ...
The transaction date cannot be prior to the first day of the plan year for the benefit accrual plan. Enter a date that is ...
The transaction date of the latest estimated cost plan is earlier than the latest posting date. Do you want to continue to ...
The transaction date that you entered is not valid. Enter a date from a different fiscal period. Or, for the ledger, verify ...
The transaction for asset %1 depreciation book %2 cannot be deleted because no acquisition transactions would exist after ...
The transaction for asset %1 depreciation book %2 cannot be deleted because the net book value would be greater than the ...
The transaction has been rolled back by SQL Server. This usually indicates that a deadlock has occurred. SQL statement: {0} ...
The transaction line cannot be related to a reverse charge and self-invoicing at the same time. Please specify which report ...