Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.
Directory Service (DS) flag indicating that the domain controller hosts a write able DS or Security Accounts Manager (SAM). ...
Directory Service (DS) flag indicating that the Domain Controller Name is in DNS format (for example, or ...
Directory Service Access This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when an Active Directory Domain Services ...
Directory Service Replication This policy setting allows you to audit replication between two Active Directory Domain Services ...
Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. ...
Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %hs Error Status: x. Please click OK to shutdown the system. ...
Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %hs Error Status: x. Please shutdown this system and reboot ...
Directory was not backed up because it is a reparse point:%r%r%1%r%rIf you want it to be protected, remove the reparse point. ...
Directs cmd.exe to a labeled line in a batch program. GOTO label label Specifies a text string used in the batch program ...