You are not associated with any role. Make sure you registered for Azure AD Privileged Identity Management in the Marketplace and that your organization's administrator has associated you with the appropriate roles.
You are currently logged in with a Microsoft Account. If you would like to sign up for Microsoft Azure with an Organizational ...
You are currently not signed into OneDrive. Please tap the "Sign in" button below to begin sharing documents with PDF Reader. ...
You are currently using a self-signed certificate as the SSL certificate in your AD FS farm. As a result, mail client authentication ...
You are managing one or more children's accounts. Before you change your age to under {0}, you need to revoke consent for ...
You are not associated with any role. Make sure you registered for Azure AD Privileged Identity Management in the Marketplace ...
You are not authorized to make changes to the settings of this service. Please contact your organization's global administrator ...
You are not authorized to register for password reset. Please contact your help desk or system administrator. (Error 3004) ...
You are not authorized to reset your password using self service password reset. You may need to register in order to complete ...
You are receiving this message because you are a valued Microsoft customer. If you have questions about our privacy policies, ...