Recipient Update Service '{3}' has not run for {8} hours. If new entries are not being processed then the service may have stalled. A manual restart of the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant service on server {2} might be necessary.
Recipient filtering is enabled on server {2}. As a best practice, consider setting the '{4}' parameter as recommended in ...
Recipient policy '{3}' appears to contain at least one SMTP address with two consecutive periods (e.g. This ...
Recipient policy '{3}' uses an unsupported SMTP addressing format ({1}). The value must be changed before Setup can continue. ...
Recipient policy '{3}' uses an unsupported SMTP addressing format ({1}). This must be changed before Exchange 2007 can be ...
Recipient Update Service '{3}' has not run for {8} hours. If new entries are not being processed then the service may have ...
Recipient Update Service '{3}' is configured to perform a full rebuild on the next processing cycle. This can take an extended ...
Recipient Update Service '{3}' was configured to perform a full rebuild at {8}. This may cause a delay when processing new ...
Recipients listed below do not have valid primary SMTP addresses. Please use the Select Recipient dialog box and select different ...
Recipients Rejected by Recipient Validation per second is the number of recipients rejected by recipient validation per second. ...