Returns a table of SQL tables, views, and stored scalar functions available in a MySQL database on server {0} in the database ...

Returns a table of SQL tables, views, and stored scalar functions available in a MySQL database on server {0} in the database instance named {1}. The port may be optionally specified with the server, separated by a colon. An optional record parameter, {2}, may be specified to control the following options:
  • CreateNavigationProperties : A logical (true/false) that sets whether to generate navigation properties on the returned values (default is true).
  • NavigationPropertyNameGenerator : A function that is used for the creation of names for navigation properties.
  • Query : Text that is translated into a SQL query that is run on the server. Multiple queries may be specified but only the first result will be returned.
  • CommandTimeout : A duration which controls how long the server-side query is allowed to run before it is canceled. The default value is ten minutes.
  • TreatTinyAsBoolean : A logical (true/false) that determines whether to force tinyint columns on the server as logical values. The default value is true.
  • OldGuids : A logical (true/false) that sets whether char(36) columns (if false) or binary(16) columns (if true) will be treated as GUIDs. The default value is false.
  • ReturnSingleDatabase : A logical (true/false) that sets whether to return all tables of all databases (if false) or to return tables and views of the specified database (if true). The default value is false.
The record parameter is specified as [option1 = value1, option2 = value2...] or [Query = "select ..."] for example.