This {0} was associated with at least {1} code reviews. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed back to {2}.
This {0} was associated with at least {1} bugs in this branch. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed back ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} code review in this branch. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} code review. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed back to {2}. ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} code reviews in this branch. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} code reviews. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed back to ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} work item in this branch. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} work item. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed back to {2}. ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} work items in this branch. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed ...
This {0} was associated with at least {1} work items. Still indexing this code file's history. Code is indexed back to {2}. ...