Error encountered while trying to configure 'Database can be overwritten by restore' flag on database ({1}) in storage group ({2}). Error message is: {0}.
Error accessing RPC performance data. The RPC performance counters are not present in the file {1}. The following counters ...
Error accessing the metabase. The root handle could not be opened because the path was not found. Please ensure that the ...
Error applying patch to file 2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. ...
Error code %1 resulted from attempting to backoff JET cache usage. The current cache size is %2 pages of %3 Byte page size ...
Error encountered while trying to configure 'Database can be overwritten by restore' flag on database ({1}) in storage group ...
Error encountered while trying to configure the 'Database can be overwritten by restore' flag on database ({1}) in storage ...
Error encountered while trying to dismounting the database ({1}) in the recovery storage group ({2}). Error message is: {0}. ...
Error in Outlook Web Access configuration. Property {0} contains a value of {1}. {0} should be at least {2} and no more than ...
Error initializing session for virtual machine %1. The error number is %2. Make sure Microsoft Exchange Store is running. ...