Provide the information below to add a link to the site you just created. Portal users can click on the site title and go directly to the specified URL. * Indicates required field
Provide more functionality to the form by adding actions such as navigating to a different page or a form action workflow. ...
Provide the Domain name and Domain controller name for the master forest associated with this Active Directory Resource. ...
Provide the farm passphrase for the original farm associated with this backup package, and click validate. This will allow ...
Provide the full name of the strongly named event handler assembly. For example: mydll, Version=, Culture=neutral, ...
Provide the information below to add a link to the site you just created. Portal users can click on the site title and go ...
Provide the information in the form below to add a link to an existing Web site. Portal users can click on the site title ...
Provide the location of the content distributors in the format FQDN:port. Use semicolons(;) to separate multiple entries. ...
Provide the location of the query service in the format protocol://FQDN:port. Use semicolons(;) to separate multiple entries. ...
Provide the order for the event handler. If there are multiple event handlers associated with this event, the order number ...