'%1' Synthetic 3D Display Controller: Failed to Power on with Error 'The virtual machine cannot be started because all the RemoteFX-capable GPUs are disabled in Device Manager. You must enable at least one GPU.'. (Virtual machine ID %2)
Syntax: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version: -showsummary -backupTarget:{ | } -machine: -recoveryTarget: -authsysvol ...
Syntax: WBADMIN STOP JOB -quiet Description: Cancels the backup or recovery operation that is currently running. Canceled ...
Syntax: {0} {1} Examples: Starts the application: {0} Starts and opens two files: {2}: {0} {3} Starts, opens "{4}" and does ...
Synthetic 3D Display Controller: Failed to Power on with Error 'The virtual machine cannot be started because a worker session ...
Synthetic 3D Display Controller: Failed to Power on with Error 'The virtual machine cannot be started because all the RemoteFX-capable ...
Synthetic 3D Display Controller: Failed to Power on with Error 'The virtual machine cannot be started because all the RemoteFX-capable ...
Synthetic 3D Display Controller: Failed to Power on with Error 'The virtual machine cannot be started because the file rdvgm.exe ...
Synthetic 3D Display Controller: Failed to Power on with Error 'The virtual machine cannot be started because the Remote ...
Synthetic 3D Display Controller: Failed to Power on with Error 'The virtual machine cannot be started because the server ...