Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity is not fully verified. Please enter new credentials.
Your storage is corrupt. Clicking on Ok will delete all your notes and start afresh. You will lose data. Otherwise press ...
Your subscription to %1 ran out. Either renew the subscription or uninstall the security software. When you uninstall, Windows ...
Your subscription to %1 ran out. We activated Windows Defender to protect your PC. We'll deactivate Windows Defender when ...
Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to %s. Please enter new credentials. Also, ...
Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity ...
Your system administrator does not allow the use of default credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity ...
Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to %s. Please enter new credentials. Also, ...
Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity ...
Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to the remote computer %s because its identity ...