The application domain for the process engine is being unloaded without the process being stopped. Process name: {0}, sender: {1}.
The amount of required disk space exceeds the amount of available disk space. The highlighted items indicate the drives with ...
The annotation information for version {0}, track point {1} does not exist. Try re-deploying via Tracking Profile Editor. ...
The answer returned by the TPM Management Web Service could not be understood. Contact your administrator for more information. ...
The application base for provider {0} could not be deleted because of {1}. Try removing this directory manually after unregistering. ...
The application domain for the process engine is being unloaded without the process being stopped. Process name: {0}, sender: ...
The application identity will be set to the following account. Components in the application will run under this account. ...
The application name in the bindings file and group do not match. Do you want to import the bindings into this application? ...
The application name specified in the binding file ({0}) does not match the name of the application ({1}) into which the ...
The application root {0} is either not a directory or the service has insufficient permissions to access it. Verify if the ...