The container can not be dropped because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER DATABASE operation.
The consistency check operation for blob store took more than three times the maximum allowed wait time of {2} seconds. Trying ...
The constraint "%1!s!" was not created because one or more columns in the constraint is not published. Either include all ...
The constraint is used by merge replication for identity management and cannot be dropped directly. Execute sp_changemergearticle ...
The constraints of %1!s! name, "%2!s!", have been violated. The object does not support binding to actions or predicates. ...
The container can not be dropped because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then retry the ALTER ...
The container cannot be set to the offline state because changes exist that require a log backup. Take a log backup and then ...
The content model of type '%1!s!' contains two elements with the same name '%2!s!' and different types, nullability, or value ...
The content type of the '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure can only be used to classify other columns. ...
The contents of the attribute with Id of '%{attributeId/}', Name of '%{attributeName/}' cannot be updated because the dimension ...