KS Endpoint Glitch: BASE Input Null Last Buffer with LockedData != LoopedBuffer: pCAudioBasePin=[%1] LockedDataPointer=[%2]
Key name specified more than once. Likely causes are: 1) the KEYNAME tag is defined multiple times in this category 2) this ...
KeyContainerName - key container name of the key to verify Defaults to machine keys. Use -user for user keys CACertFile - ...
KillJob is being deprecated because there is no distinction made between an orderly shutdown and an immediate kill. CIM_ ...
Korea (North)|North Korea|Democratic People's Republic of Korea|Nordkorea|Corea del Norte|Corée-du-Nord|Corea del Nord|Coréia ...
KS Endpoint Glitch: BASE Input Null Last Buffer with LockedData != LoopedBuffer: pCAudioBasePin=[%1 LockedDataPointer=[%2 ...
KS Endpoint Glitch: BASE Output Unexpected Buffer Completed: pCAudioBasePin=[%1 LockedDataPointer=[%2 bLockedEqualsUnrolled=[%3 ...
KS Endpoint Glitch: RTCAP StreamPos Ahead of HW Pos: pCAudioCapturePinRealtimeStreaming=[%1 WritePos=[%2 PlayPos=[%3 StreamPos=[%4 ...
KS Endpoint Glitch: RTCAP StreamPos Too Far Behind: pCAudioCapturePinRealtimeStreaming=[%1 WritePos=[%2 PlayPos=[%3 StreamPos=[%4 ...
KS Endpoint Glitch: RTREN WritePos Exceeds TotalPos: pCAudioRenderPinRealtimeStreaming=[%1 WritePos=[%2 PlayPos=[%3 TotalPos=[%4 ...