%11Discovery Data Manager failed to read the new discovery item from the parsed discovery data record (DDR) "%1".%12 Possible cause: The file "%1" is corrupt. Solution: Delete file "%1". Possible cause: Low memory. Solution: Stop and restart Discovery Data Manager. You can use Configuration Manager Service Manager, which is invoked from the Configuration Manager Console, to stop and start components.%0
Discovery Data Manager failed to process file "%1" because it cannot detect any Name properties. Discovery Data Manager requires ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to process the discovery data record (DDR) "%1", because it cannot update the data source.%12 ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to read the .ncf (assignment rule) file for site "%1".%12 Possible cause: The file is corrupt. ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to read the current site's .ncf (assignment rule) file.%12 Possible cause: The file is corrupt. ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to read the new discovery item from the parsed discovery data record (DDR) "%1".%12 Possible ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to read the serial number from the parsed discovery data record (DDR) "%1".%12 Possible cause: ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to read the site control file for site "%1". Because the site database maintains the site control ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to send discovery data to the new parent site. Discovery Data Manager will retry, resuming ...
Discovery Data Manager failed to send file "%1" to site "%2".%12 Possible cause: Low disk space on site "%2". Solution: Make ...