To add a page number to your own text, position the insertion point in the text placeholder or text box where you want it to go. To add a page number to the placeholder, use the Header and Footer command on the View menu. Do you want to use the Header and Footer command now?
To access shared project information, other users can connect to your computer and then subscribe to this shared project. ...
To add a border to the bottom of a cell, hold down COMMAND+OPTION+DOWN ARROW. You can press the other arrow keys to add borders ...
To add a button, drag it from the Commands box to any toolbar. To see other commands, click another category in the Categories ...
To add a page number to this page only, position the insertion point in the text placeholder or text box where you want it ...
To add a page number to your own text, position the insertion point in the text placeholder or text box where you want it ...
To add a script or workflow to this menu, copy it to the %SCRIPTFOLDERNAME% folder located in your %SCRIPTMENUFOLDERSPATH% ...
To add a slide number to this slide only, position the insertion point in the text placeholder or text box where you want ...
To add buttons or commands to a toolbar, click Customize on the Tools menu, click the Commands tab, and then drag any button ...
To add hidden text to a document, select the text and press COMMAND+SHIFT+H. To see the hidden text, click the Show/Hide ...