error %1: Windows cannot register the package because the %2 ActivatableClassID of the %3 contract is not marked with the ActivateAsPackage attribute.
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because a Windows Runtime server with the same name was previously declared: ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because an ActivatableClassID was previously declared with the same name: '%2'. ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because an ActivatableClassID with the same name already exists: '%2'. Provide ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because the %2 ActivatableClassID of the %3 contract is not an exe server. ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because the %2 ActivatableClassID of the %3 contract is not marked with the ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because the logo file name is missing. Provide a logo file name and try again. ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because the ProxyStub CLSID %2 is defined in two or more DLLs. A ProxyStub ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because the publisher name is missing. Provide a publisher name and try again. ...
error %1: Windows cannot register the package because two or more attributes share the name '%2'. Attribute names must be ...