Failures Not Found is the number of connection attempts that failed because the remote computer could not be found. This number is an accumulator and shows a running total.
Failures Adapter is the number of connections that were dropped due to an adapter failure. This number is an accumulator ...
Failures have occurred during migration of MTS packages and program settings to COM+ applications and program settings. See ...
Failures Link is the number of connections that were dropped due to a link failure. This number is an accumulator and shows ...
Failures No Listen is the number of connections that were rejected because the remote computer was not listening for connection ...
Failures Not Found is the number of connection attempts that failed because the remote computer could not be found. This ...
Failures Resource Local is the number of connections that failed because of resource problems or shortages on the local computer. ...
Failures Resource Remote is the number of connections that failed because of resource problems or shortages on the remote ...
Falling back to system defaults because the meta configuration mof has either been corrupted or an invalid mof property has ...
Family Safety can't monitor an administrator account. To monitor this account with Family Safety, you must change it to a ...