Current % User mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing code in user mode.
CSV Directory Exchange General Parameters = -i Turn on Import Mode (The default is Export) -f filename Input or Output filename ...
CTLObject - Identifies the CTL to verify: %1 - read AuthRoot CAB and matching certificates from the URL cache. Use %5 to ...
Current % Kernel mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing ...
Current % Processor Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing ...
Current % User mode Time shows the percentage of the sample interval that the processes in the Job object spent executing ...
Current Bandwidth is an estimate of the current bandwidth of the network interface in bits per second (BPS). For interfaces ...
Current Clients is the instantaneous count of the clients being serviced by this CPU. The server actively balances the client ...
Current Commands counter indicates the number of pending commands from the local computer to all destination servers. If ...
Current configuration does not exist. Execute Start-DscConfiguration command with -Path parameter to specify a configuration ...