The default data type you selected is not supported in all versions of Microsoft SQL Server.@If the server doesn't support the data type you have chosen, the varchar data type will be used in its place.@@1@@@1
The database you are attempting to connect to is not available. If you are trying to export or link a view of a list to Microsoft ...
The database | was created in an earlier version of |9.@Convert this database to the current version of |9 by using the Convert ...
The DDE conversation was interrupted.@* You may have passed an incorrect channel number to a DDE function or statement. The ...
The DDE exchange failed.@Your version of |9 needs to be reinstalled. You may not have the correct version of the dynamic-link ...
The default data type you selected is not supported in all versions of Microsoft SQL Server.@If the server doesn't support ...
The default printer driver isn't set up correctly.@For information on setting a default printer, search the Microsoft Windows ...
The Default Value property was set to an expression that will not be specified on the SharePoint column. Specifically, it ...
The Docking property can't be set to '|1' at this time.@If you want to set the Docking property to '|2', move the toolbar ...
The document could not be edited. The required application may not be installed properly, or the requested document cannot ...