This report returns the count of computers assigned to a specific site in each compliance scan state returned by clients during the last compliance scan.
This report returns all deployments that contain all of the software updates defined in a specified software update group. ...
This report returns all vendor-specific software updates that have been detected as required on clients but that have not ...
This report returns the compliance data for software updates released by a vendor during a specific month and year. To limit ...
This report returns the count and percentage of computers in each compliance state for the specified software update. For ...
This report returns the count of computers assigned to a specific site in each compliance scan state returned by clients ...
This report returns the count of computers for a specific collection in each compliance scan state returned by clients during ...
This report returns the enforcement states for a specific software update deployment, which is typically the second phase ...
This report returns the evaluation state for a specific software update deployment, which is typically the first phase of ...
This report returns the software update compliance data for a specific computer. To limit the amount of information returned, ...