Note: If you are creating a backup of volumes hosting virtual hard disk (VHD) files, the VHD files will be automatically excluded from the backup if they are mounted at the time the backup is created. To back up the contents of the VHD files, either back up the virtual volumes separately or dismount the VHD files before every backup operation.
NOTE: If the -on switch has failed to add key protectors or start encryption, you may need to call "manage-bde -off" before ...
Note: If the default level is Disallowed, applying software restriction policies to libraries requires you to set rules for ...
NOTE: If this application is already running, you will need to restart the application before any changes made here will ...
Note: If you are configuring the log file name on Group Policy object, ensure that the Windows Firewall service account has ...
Note: If you are creating a backup of volumes hosting virtual hard disk (VHD) files, the VHD files will be automatically ...
Note: If you do not allow the recovery password and require the recovery key, users cannot turn on BitLocker without saving ...
Note: If you have limited hard disk space or you want to reduce synchronization time, it's a good idea to limit the number ...
Note: If you see this error repeatedly, your microphone may not be ideal for Speech Recognition. Consider trying a different ...
Note: In order to use typeperf, you must either be a member of the local Performance Log Users group, or the command must ...