%11SMS Writer could not start the "%1" executable on the local computer.%12 Possible cause: "%1" does not exist in the specified location on the local computer. Solution: Verify that an executable "%1" exists on the local computer. Also specify its full path in the backup control file.%0
SMS Site Component Manager cannot stop component %s on component server %s. The component is probably performing clean up ...
SMS Site Component Manager cannot stop component %s on multisite component server %s. The component is probably performing ...
SMS SQL Backup service on the SQL Server %1 did not start the database backup. SMS SQL Backup service might not be running ...
SMS SQL Backup service on the SQL Server %1 failed to backup the site database %2. The error reported by the service is %3. ...
SMS Writer could not start the "%1" executable on the local computer.%12 Possible cause: "%1" does not exist in the specified ...
SMS Writer could not start the %1 ConfigMgr client application on the local computer.%12 Possible causes: %1 is not in the ...
SMS Writer could not start the %1 service on site system %2.%12 Possible cause: SMS Writer does not have sufficient access ...
SMS Writer could not stop the "%1" executable on the local computer.%12 Possible cause: "%1" is an interactive Windows application ...
SMS Writer could not stop the %1 ConfigMgr client application on the local computer.%12 Possible cause: %1 does not exist ...