Configure a registry-based policy setting for a list of registry values under the key "{0}" for the GPO with Id "{1}" in the {2} domain. Set the following values of type {3}: {4}.
Configure a license server for the Remote Desktop Session Host server. If you have an existing license server, use RD Session ...
Configure a Registry preference item for the registry value "{0}" in the "{1}" GPO in the {2} domain. {3}. Set the value ...
Configure a Registry preference item for the registry value "{0}" in the GPO with ID {1} in the {2} domain. {3}. Set the ...
Configure a registry-based policy setting for a list of registry values under the key "{0}" for the "{1}" GPO in the {2} ...
Configure a registry-based policy setting for a list of registry values under the key "{0}" for the GPO with Id "{1}" in ...
Configure a registry-based policy setting for the key "{0}" for the "{1}" GPO in the {2} domain. This setting will delete ...
Configure a registry-based policy setting for the key "{0}" for the GPO with ID "{1}" in the {2} domain. This setting will ...
Configure a registry-based policy setting for the registry value "{0}" for the "{1}" GPO in the {2} domain. Set the type ...
Configure a registry-based policy setting for the registry value "{0}" for the "{1}" GPO in the {2} domain. This setting ...