This cmdlet returns user objects, which include the following information: AlternateEmailAddresses: Alternate email address ...

            This cmdlet returns user objects, which include the following information:

            AlternateEmailAddresses: Alternate email address of the user (external to Microsoft Azure Active Directory).

            BlockCredential: Whether or not the user is able to sign in.

            City: The user's city.

            Country: The user's country.

            Department: The user's department.

            DisplayName: The user's display name.

            Errors: An array of errors. These are validation errors that may result in loss of services.

            Fax: The user's fax number.

            FirstName: The user's first name.

            ImmutableID: Only returned for federated users. This is the ID that is required to be federated with Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

            isBlackBerryUser: Returns whether or not the user has a BlackBerry device.

            isLicensed: Whether or not the user has any licenses assigned.

            LastDirSyncTime: The date and time of the last directory synchronization (only returned from users synced with Microsoft Azure Active Directory through Active Directory synchronization).

            LastPasswordChangeTimestamp: The most recent time at which a password change for the user was registered in Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

            LastName: The user's last name.

            LicenseReconciliationNeeded: Whether or not the user currently has a mailbox without a license. In this case, the user should be licensed with 30 days to avoid losing their mailbox.

            Licenses: A list of the user's licenses.

            LiveID: The user's unique login ID.

            MobilePhone: The user's mobile phone number.

            ObjectId: The user's unique ID.

            Office: The user's office number.

            OverallProvisioningStatus: Whether or not the user has been provisioned for their services.

            PasswordNeverExpires: Whether the user's password should be forced to change every 90 days.

            Phone Number: The user's phone number.

            Postal Code: The user's postal code.

            Preferred Data Location: The user's preferred data location.

            Preferred Language: The user's preferred language.

            Proxy Addresses - the proxy addresses associated with this user.

            State: The user's state.

            StreetAddress: The user's street address.

            StrongPasswordRequired: Whether the user is required to set a strong password when they change their password. Strong passwords are recommended.

            Title: The user's title.

            UsageLocation: The country where the services are consumed by the user. This must be a two letter country code.

            UserPrincipalName: The user ID of the user.

            ValidationStatus: Whether or not the user has any errors.
English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
German (Germany)
Español (España)
Spanish (Spain)
Français (France)
French (France)