The Database Wizard cannot access the key field '%s' specified in the Visio shape. Run the Database Wizard to correct this problem.
The database version of the Method this Parameter belongs to has been changed outside the OM. This is not allowed. Delete ...
The database version of the {0} this {1} belongs to has been changed without using the object model. This is not allowed. ...
The database version of the {0} this {1} belongs to has been changed without using the object model. This is not allowed. ...
The database was converted from an earlier version to a newer version. Attempts to open the converted database by using the ...
The Database Wizard cannot access the key field '%s' specified in the Visio shape. Run the Database Wizard to correct this ...
The Database Wizard cannot connect to this ODBC driver. It does not support some ODBC functions which are required by the ...
The Database Wizard links Visio shapes and drawings to databases created using ODBC-compliant applications such as: Microsoft ...
The Database Wizard links Visio shapes and drawings to databases created using ODBC-compliant applications such as: Microsoft ...
The database you are attempting to connect to is not available. If you are trying to export or link a view of a list to Microsoft ...