The LoadOrderGroupDependencies parameter passes a list of load ordering groups that must start before this service. The array is doubly null-terminated. If the pointer is NULL or if it points to an empty string, the service has no dependencies. Group names must be prefixed by the SC_GROUP_IDENTIFIER (defined in the WINSVC.H file) character to differentiate it from a service name, because services and service groups share the same name space. Dependency on a group means that this service can run if at least one member of the group is running after an attempt to start all members of the group.
The LmCompatibilityLevel value is different from the default. Configured LM Compatibility Level: %2 Default LM Compatibility ...
The LoadOrderGroup parameter passes the group name associated with the new service. Load order groups are contained in the ...
The LoadOrderGroup parameter passes the group name that it is associated with. Load order groups are contained in the system ...
The LoadOrderGroupDependencies parameter passes a list of load ordering groups that must start before this service starts. ...
The LoadOrderGroupDependencies parameter passes a list of load ordering groups that must start before this service. The array ...
The LoadPercentage property specifies each processor's load capacity averaged over the last second. The term 'processor loading' ...
The local Active Directory Domain Services did not find the virtual domain controller cloning configuration file. The local ...
The local Active Directory Domain Services has found a virtual domain controller cloning configuration file. The virtual ...
The local Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services did not find the virtual domain controller cloning configuration ...