Self Service User roles under a Tenant Administrator can only grant access to resources to other Self Service user roles that are under the same Tenant Administrator.
Selected machine %ServerName; cannot be virtualized. Verify that the boot and system volumes are selected for migration. ...
Selected Virtual Switch (%VirtualNetworkName;) is not available as a highly available clustered virtual switch combination. ...
Selected Virtual Switch (%VirtualNetworkName;) is not compatible with configured Virtual NIC's Logical Network(%LogicalNetworkName;) ...
Selecting a user will filter the list of user roles. If no user is specified, the role selections will apply to all users ...
Self Service User roles under a Tenant Administrator can only grant access to resources to other Self Service user roles ...
Self-service users create, deploy, and manage their own virtual machines and services by using the VMM console or a Web portal. ...
Server Manager Powershell assembly ("Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.PowerShell.dll") cannot be loaded on VM (%ComputerName;). ...
ServerName; cannot be converted. Boot volume %VolumeDriveLetter; must be attached as the first hard drive for the virtual ...
ServerName; cannot be virtualized using an online conversion. Specify the -Offline parameter to perform an offline conversion. ...