Error during deserialization of column '%{strColumnName/}': column segment map must be deserialized and instantiated before instantiation of table columns. Possible cause is corrupt table metadata file for table '%{strTableName/}'.
Error applying patch to file 2]. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. ...
Error during Backup/Restore: ABFDumper functionality is not supported for the backup files created by AS2005 server. File ...
Error during Backup/Restore: the backup file '%{fileName/}' stored inside backup storage is damaged: CRC validation failed. ...
Error during Backup/Restore: the backup file '%{fileName/}' stored inside backup storage is damaged: EOF validation failed. ...
Error during deserialization of column '%{strColumnName/}': column segment map must be deserialized and instantiated before ...
Error during instantiation '%{InstObjClass/}' object of name '%{strObjectName/}': expected parent object's class is '%{ExpectedParentObjClass/}', ...
Error during instantiation '%{InstObjClass/}' object of name '%{strObjectName/}': expected parent object's class is '%{ExpectedParentObjClass/}', ...
Error during instantiation '%{InstObjClass/}' object: object name can not be empty for serializable data objects. Possible ...
Error during instantiation '%{InstObjClass/}' object: object name can not be empty for serializable data objects. Possible ...