Export templates to a file. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Template Export /File:PATH [/Template:TEMPLATE_NAME] [/Remote:MACHINE] /File:PATH Export templates to the file at path PATH. /Template:TEMPLATE_NAME Export only the template with name TEMPLATE_NAME. If omitted, all templates defined on the system are exported. /Remote:MACHINE Perform the operation on machine MACHINE. Example: Filescrn Template Export /File:D:\filescreens.xml /Remote:FILESERVER1
Export file groups to a file. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Filegroup Export /File:PATH /Filegroup:FG_NAME /Remote:MACHINE ...
Export of the NPS server configuration failed because you did not agree to export shared secrets. To export the NPS server ...
Export of the NPS server configuration failed because you did not agree to export shared secrets. To export the NPS server ...
Export templates to a file. The syntax of this command is: Dirquota Template Export /File:PATH /Template:TEMPLATE_NAME /Remote:MACHINE ...
Export templates to a file. The syntax of this command is: Filescrn Template Export /File:PATH /Template:TEMPLATE_NAME /Remote:MACHINE ...
Exporting a Basic Partner Policy and sharing it with organizations that you wish to federate with, allow those organizations ...
Exporting Partner Policy creates a policy file that contains all of the information that defines the federation. By exporting ...
Exporting settings to the migration store has been interrupted. Verify that the migration store location is available (for ...
EXPOSE { | | } Expose the specified shadow copy in the specified location. It provides a convenient way to read information ...