Handwriting personalization is currently turned off. You can turn on handwriting personalization in Control Panel, in Tablet PC settings
GUID Substitution} During the translation of a global identifier (GUID) to a Windows security ID (SID), no administratively-defined ...
Handle Manipulation This policy setting allows you to audit events generated when a handle to an object is opened or closed. ...
Handle scavenged. Share Name: %7 File Name: %9 Resume Key: %5 Persistent File ID: %3 Volatile File ID: %4 Durable: %1 Resilient ...
Handles storage of structured user data, including contact info, calendars, messages, and other content. If you stop or disable ...
Handwriting personalization is currently turned off. You can turn on handwriting personalization in Control Panel, in Tablet ...
Handwriting recognition failed to connect to the store of words that were added by the user (the "user lexicon"). Words that ...
Handwriting recognition is not installed on this computer. You must install a handwriting recognizer if you want to automatically ...
Handwriting recognition personalization (automatic learning) cannot access component %1. This prevents learning the user's ...
Handwriting recognition personalization (automatic learning) cannot restart automatic vocabulary collection for the user ...